
Interested in adding Real Estate and Real Estate Related Opportunities to your Retirement Income?

Secure, Predictable Income is a good thing anytime.

With Real Estate, you have the security of a hard asset and the predictable income from the rents collected.

Having a portion of your IRA-Account invested in these opportunities can help afford you the Retirement you deserve!

Sol Mar REI operates in Multiple Cities and the houses we offer you and your IRA are in the median price points of their respective markets. Thus, the hard assets are not considered speculative in nature and earn good income for you and your retirement.

Furthermore, the houses have been recently inspected (in many cases recently renovated) and are in good working order with fully qualified tenants in place. With Professional Management of your choice and with the asset(s) being in your name and/or your IRA’s via a qualified IRA Custodian to remain in complete compliance with the IRS for your IRA(s), all transactions are fully transparent and YOU are always in control of your money!

We have ongoing in-person and on-line educational events to keep you aware of opportunities, rules and the ability to network with others of like mind.

We work with traditional IRAs, Roth, 401(k), 403(b), 457, Solo 401(k), SEP IRA, Simple IRA and Health Savings Accounts.

So, if you are uncertain about the stock market, healthcare costs and inflation and it’s effect on your money, the restrictions on annuities, the almost zero percent return on CDs and savings accounts and/or the ups and downs of gold prices without producing income, tired of the Big Institutional Establishment money managers, then perhaps it is time to consider your other options.

Want to take the next step? Simply go to our contact page, by clicking the link below and let us know you would like to speak with us about your options and give us a day and time to call you. If you prefer, we can email you a prospective client questionnaire.

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